
Wildlife and Pest Control Serving Delaware County Since 1976

At S&S Pest Control, we specialize in providing comprehensive animal removal services to ensure your home and property remain safe and secure. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering prompt and effective solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.

Our staff is renowned for their quick and efficient response to client needs. We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and our officers are certified in animal control, while our technicians are certified in animal husbandry and habitat management. We prioritize the safety and well-being of both our clients and the animals we handle. Our professionals undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest industry standards. Additionally, we use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure effective and humane animal removal.

Wildlife Trapping
Animal Removal
Nest Removal
Bat Removal
Animal Damage Repairs
Pet Cremation & Burial

pest control delaware county

Animals We Trap and Remove

Our team is equipped to handle a variety of animals that may pose a threat or nuisance to your property. Here are some of the common animals we trap and remove, along with detailed information on the damage they cause and their preferred hiding spots:


  • Damage: Rats can chew through wires, insulation, and wood, causing structural damage and potential fire hazards. They also contaminate food and surfaces with their droppings, leading to health risks.
  • Hiding Spots: Rats often hide in attics, basements, crawl spaces, and behind walls. They are drawn to areas with easy access to food and water.


  • Damage: While bats are beneficial for insect control, their guano (droppings) can accumulate and cause structural damage and foul odors. Bat guano can also harbor harmful fungi that pose health risks.
  • Hiding Spots: Bats commonly roost in attics, barns, and other quiet, dark spaces. They can enter through small openings in roofs and walls.


  • Damage: Raccoons can cause significant damage by tearing shingles, insulation, and wiring. They also raid trash bins and gardens, creating a mess.
  • Hiding Spots: Raccoons often nest in attics, chimneys, and crawl spaces. They are attracted to areas with easy access to food sources.


  • Damage: Squirrels can chew through wood, insulation, and electrical wiring, posing fire hazards and structural damage. They also cause noise disturbances.
  • Hiding Spots: Squirrels commonly nest in attics, eaves, and walls. They enter through gaps and vents in the structure.


  • Damage: While snakes do not cause structural damage, their presence can be alarming. Venomous snakes pose direct risks to humans and pets.
  • Hiding Spots: Snakes hide in tall grass, woodpiles, basements, and crawl spaces. They seek shelter in cool, dark areas.


  • Damage: Opossums can raid trash bins, gardens, and pet food containers, creating a mess. They can also carry parasites and diseases.
  • Hiding Spots: Opossums often hide in attics, under decks, sheds, and crawl spaces. They seek secluded spots for nesting.


  • Damage: Skunks can dig up lawns and gardens in search of food. Their spray is notorious for its foul odor, which can be difficult to remove.
  • Hiding Spots: Skunks typically hide under decks, porches, and sheds. They dig burrows for shelter and nesting.


  • Damage: Foxes can raid poultry, trash bins, and gardens. They may also carry parasites and diseases that can affect pets and humans.
  • Hiding Spots: Foxes often create dens in wooded areas, under decks, and in abandoned burrows. They prefer secluded areas with easy access to food.
Pest Control delaware county
pest control delaware county
pest control delaware county

Damage Repairs

When an animal comes into your home they always leave some type of damage. We will repair that damage and make sure they don’t come back. Our services are affordable and you can be assured of quality work that will keep the pests from re-entering your home. 

pest control delaware county

Pet Cremation

We provide a wide range of comprehensive services including a 24/7 answering service and pick-up of your pet. Once your pet is in our care, we ensure that they are treated with respect and handled with the greatest care. Our knowledgeable and compassionate services coordinator can guide you through a variety of options including burial services and cremation, as well as items available onsite that can be specialized to your pet including caskets, urns, and commemoratives. We also provide prearrangement services for pets nearing the end of their life to give families assistance in the preparation for this difficult time.

pet cremation delaware county
pest cremation delaware county

S & S Pest Control - Serving Delaware County PA

24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week


610 522-1113

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